Monday, May 15, 2006

Override Campaign Begins

As you probably know by now, Town Meeting voted in favor of the entire contingent budget as presented by the Warrant Committee, and supported unanimously by the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee. The $2.41 million override election which results from this vote has been scheduled by the Selectmen to be held on June 13th.

A citizen volunteer group has formed to inform the residents of Milton of the importance of passing this override. The organization has adopted the name “Yes4Milton” and dozens of residents have already joined the effort. In the short span of little more than a week, they have created a website which already contains a great deal of information on the need for this override. I’ve added the website to my links list.

If you visit the site I think you’ll find substantial data explaining our fiscal situation and the impacts on our level of services if we don’t obtain revenue above what Proposition 2 ½ permits. Check out the “How to Help” section and find out what you can do if you wish to help. Money, of course, is always welcome. An ambitious campaign of communication is needed to place a large amount of information before the voters. You can visit the website (be sure to bookmark it!) at:

During the next four weeks I will be writing about this very important issue for our Town.

Full Disclosure: I am a member of “Yes4Milton”.


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